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Город: Казань
Русский язык как иностранный
In our training center you can learn the Russian language in fast, easy and effective way. The course «Russian as a foreign language» includes such aspects as phonetics, grammar, vocabulary, writing, speaking and listening. You will achieve the goals of the classes - overcome the language barrier, acquire communicative skills, will be able to use the Russian language in your daily life and work easily. We create an individual program for you, considering your wishes. The period of training course is determined at the first free advisory meeting and during the course in accordance with your wishes. We also provide you with detailed recommendations on learning the Russian language and schedule classes
Город Казань
Язык Русский как иностранный
Тип курса общий
Курс рассчитан на Для взрослых
Стоимость обучения 49
Вид занятий групповые
Форма обучения очная
Дата начала занятий По мере набора группы
Контактный телефон Показать
Сайт Показать

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